auction finished. artworks are no longer visible for licensing reasons.
minimum price | 2.500 €
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price estimate | 3.000 €
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size | 53 x 41 1/3 inch
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signature | Signed
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provenience | Galerie Kai Erdmann
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condition | Perfect
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technique | Oil on canvas
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For her paintings, sculptures and assemblages, Lena Schramm chooses objects from everyday life and transfers them into new contexts where they find new attention in unusual, exaggerated combinations. In her work, things thus become arbitrarily linkable and usable signs and seem to form a communication system of their own, whereby in terms of content she moves in the footsteps of sociological theories and questions of visual science.
Lena Schramm studied at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts and lives and works in Hamburg.
where and how to bis
You can bid directly here on the website (see above), live at the location of the auction in Berlin, vie our partner lot-tissimo, in writing using our bidding form or by phone after arranging it with the auctioneer.