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    Los 645 — Julie Oppermann, pv-d-01 (2021)

Verkauft im Slot Oblique Strategies der Auktion Chapter 6
Beendet. 25.9.2021, 15 bis 18 Uhr
Auktion beendet. Werkbilder sind aus Lizenzgründen nicht mehr zu sehen.

Mindestpreis   250 €
Schätzpreis   500 €
Verkaufspreis   360 €

Größe   15 x 15 cm (diptych)
Edition   unique
Signatur   signed
Zustand   perfect
Technik   Acrylic on wood panel, dot moiré interference

Normally working in large formats, Oppermann offers this unique 15 x 15 cm dot moiré diptych for Direkte Auktion.

Julie Oppermann’s work pushes the limits of visual perception, making paintings that are physically difficult to perceive. The scintillating effects arising through the calculated layering and juxtaposition of contrasting colors through repetitive line patterns elicit shuttering afterimages, optical flicker, and disorienting sensations of movement. The paintings, on one hand, reference the digital, looking as if they might be computer-generated, vector-based interference patterns; up close, however, they reveal a gestural, intuitive approach. Glitches, bleeds and mis-registrations rupture the illusory field of the moiré, creating visual noise and also highlight the basic tools at work: taped-off line patterns and paint on canvas. Where others approach ideas such as rasterization, pixelation, image compression, data loss and corruption primarily through the more obvious channel of digital media, Oppermann succeeds, instead, by effecting these phenomena directly through the medium of perception itself. The glitch, so to speak, occurs in the viewing of the work, by distorting the viewer’s field of vision, and interfering with their ability to "see" and look at the painting.

Besides obtaining her MFA at Hunter college and BFA at Cooper Union School of Art, New York, Oppermann also holds a Master’s degree in Neuroscience from Berkeley University of California and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. Oppermann lives and works in Berlin since 2012. Her work is part of several contemporary art museums’ permanent collections in the United States.

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