Auktion beendet. Werkbilder sind aus Lizenzgründen nicht mehr zu sehen.
Mindestpreis | 300 €
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Schätzpreis | 500 €
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Verkaufspreis | 300 €
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Größe | 15,5 x 15 cm
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Edition | Unikat
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Signatur | Verso signiert
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Rahmen | ungerahmt
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Provenienz | Künstler
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Zustand | neu
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Technik | Acrylic on Dibond Aluminium print
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This is a combination of a print on aluminium I had made from a painting the same size that I lost somewhere and direct painting in acrylic floor paint. It is a portrait of the dead English rock singer Ian Curtis who is somehow brought back to life from long ago 1979.
Phil King (*1965 in Bristol, UK, lives in Lourdes, France)
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