auction finished. artworks are no longer visible for licensing reasons.
minimum price | 3.600 €
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price estimate | 6.000 €
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size | 2: 35 x 95 x 4 cm 1: 35 x 60 x 4 cm
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edition | Unikat
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signature | Signiert
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frame | nein
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provenience | Innerfields Studio West
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condition | Makellos
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technique | Acrylic on Bio-Canvas
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3 seperate pieces of a deadly surprise work as ONE.
Famas + MP5 + Mini UZI
which present would you choose ?
Innerfields are the artists Jakob Tory Bardou and Holger Weißflog. Born and based in Berlin, they‘ve been growing up with graffiti and various influences; they formed as a group in 1998. The artists like to reflekt their environment and create mostly figurative motives in a realistic manner, that are mixed with grafical elements and symbols. The human being, bound to being part of the nature and all to often opposed to it, is a major topic in their body of work. They are creating works of art as a profession and love taking part in festivals and various art related projekts around the world.
where and how to bis
You can bid directly here on the website (see above), live at the location of the auction in Berlin, vie our partner lot-tissimo, in writing using our bidding form or by phone after arranging it with the auctioneer.