Auktion beendet. Werkbilder sind aus Lizenzgründen nicht mehr zu sehen.
Mindestpreis | 2.500 €
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Schätzpreis | 4.000 €
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Größe | 180 x 30 x 4 cm
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Edition | Unikat
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Signatur | Signiert
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Rahmen | Nein
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Provenienz | Innerfields Studio West
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Zustand | Makellos
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Technik | Acrylic on Bio-Canvas
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Pandemic braindeads burning our souls!
if you would visualise your mindset nowadays it would be a burnout.
check your innerfields. The Original canvas became a Mural in 2020.
Innerfields are the artists Jakob Tory Bardou and Holger Weißflog. Born and based in Berlin, they‘ve been growing up with graffiti and various influences; they formed as a group in 1998. The artists like to reflekt their environment and create mostly figurative motives in a realistic manner, that are mixed with grafical elements and symbols. The human being, bound to being part of the nature and all to often opposed to it, is a major topic in their body of work. They are creating works of art as a profession and love taking part in festivals and various art related projekts around the world.
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Direkt hier auf der Webseite (s.o.), vor Ort bei der Auktion in Berlin, über unseren Partner lot-tissimo, schriftlich per Gebotszettel oder live per Telefon (nach Rücksprache mit dem Auktionator).