Auktion beendet. Werkbilder sind aus Lizenzgründen nicht mehr zu sehen.
Mindestpreis | 1.500 €
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Schätzpreis | 2.000 €
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Größe | 31 x 26 x 2 cm
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Edition | Unikat
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Signatur | Signiert
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Rahmen | Einfassung in Epoxidharz
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Provenienz | Soul Objects. Exclusive
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Zustand | Makellos
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Technik | Mischtechnik auf Holz eingeschlossen in Epoxidharz ·
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Patrick Pilsl aka Martin Dean trained as a typesetter and repro photographer.
His paintings look relaxed and colorful at first sight. The boxers, pin-ups,
weapons, or maps do not seem to come from our time.
Their real attraction lies in the aesthetic implementation. The artist makes no distinction in the artistic means between a pin-up girl, a boxer, or a weapon.
This can be understood as a provocative subversive attitude or as a statement
for the absurdity.
The sophisticated technique, painted with acrylic, oil pastels and watercolor, is a hallmark of his works. A differentiated and nuanced color, for example, with fine yellows and oranges, contrasted by strong dark blue, shows a decidedly planning painter. Last but not least, there is the graphic element of writing taking his paintings with its echoes of pop to another level.
Wo und wie Sie bieten können
Direkt hier auf der Webseite (s.o.), vor Ort bei der Auktion in Berlin, über unseren Partner lot-tissimo, schriftlich per Gebotszettel oder live per Telefon (nach Rücksprache mit dem Auktionator).